A survey by Pollfish among 533 Australians aged 14+ shows that most Australians are ready for what they believe is inevitable: a more comprehensive lockdown as seen in other countries.
Survey findings show the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on Australians — 44% recalled (unprompted) the epidemic, overshadowing the not-so-distant bushfires that shook the country only a few months ago — only 27% recalled (unprompted) the bush fire incidents.
This epidemic is close to many Australians as 1 in 10 respondents know of someone who has been infected by the virus. Over 43% of those who know someone infected reported those being family members, friends or work colleagues. 36% of those people known to be diagnosed with coronavirus were infected in Australia. Australians are well aware by now the virus is spread across the country.
Australians also appear to be following the news about the pandemic closely, as approximately 90% of all respondents stated they were “moderately” or “extremely familiar” with the current pandemic Coronavirus situation in Australia.
When asked about what cohorts in the population were at a health risk due to the Coronavirus, most Australians believe it only affects the elderly (60 or older) as reported in initial news about the epidemic worldwide. However, this belief has been widely disregarded by health authorities worldwide including the World Health Organisation. Australians are perhaps not as aware of the real consequences this disease has on the general population.
In terms of the evolution of the Coronavirus in Australia, respondents are not optimistic about a recovery in the short run, potentially as a consequence of the exponential growth of the pandemic in Europe. 70% of all respondents stated that the pandemic is about to get worse in the next 14 days, with 24% expecting this evolution to be much worse.
As a result, most Australians find a Federal Government enforced 14-day self-isolation period inevitable. Around 73% of all respondents stated this is likely to take place over the next week, with 28% selecting “extremely likely”.
Even before a complete lockdown has been implemented, already 1 in 2 Australians’ jobs have been impacted by the pandemic.
Of those who have been forced to change their workplace or to stop working, 47% are uncertain as to when they will be able to go back to their usual place of work.
In addition, 46% of all respondents who can work from home have been offered that option by their employers. While 41% of those who were not given a work from home/remotely option felt their employers should have done so.
The most significant finding is the gloomy future Australians see at the moment with job prospects. Despite the number of financial packages promised by both Federal and State Governments, around 1 in 4 Australians believe they may lose their job as a result of this crisis, while 17% believe may see a reduction in their salary.
The Coronavirus has also impacted the way Australians have shopped over the past 2 weeks. Empty shelves have become a familiar image across supermarkets and grocery stores across the country as Australians have increased their visits to these types of establishments.
As most Australians have by now stocked up, over 60% expect to visit supermarkets and grocery stores once or twice in the next 7 days. However, Australians are having difficulties finding certain products such toilet paper, hand sanitiser and other hygiene products. As a result, 19% Australians are still unsure on how many trips they will do to the supermarket and grocery shops. This means we may continue to see long queues and empty shelves as consumers try to get their hands in these products.
Another significant finding from this survey is the level of satisfaction Australians show with how the Federal Government has managed this crisis. Unlike the bushfire crisis, most (54%) Australians are satisfied with how the Government has managed the Coronavirus crisis to date.
Overall, most of the criticism against the way the Federal Government has managed the crisis are around not closing our borders sooner (65%) and not enforcing limits in number of supermarket items purchased (61%).
In summary, Australians appear to have accepted the scenario of a full lockdown as seen in China and Europe, while they fear for their jobs and struggle with the uncertainty of what the future will depart them.
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